About Run Along!
Rob Tuncks from the hit series Muster dogs had his favorite working
dog and best friend die while he was away filming the final episode of
Muster Dogs. Being in a remote location with no services, plenty of
spare time and a acoustic guitar he started writing a song for his lost
dog. The song stalled with a chorus and a bridge as he struggled to
write verse’s good enough for the chorus.
Along came Steve Vertigan from Soggy Dog recording(soggydogrecording), he had also
just lost his constant companion, studio dog and felt a connection to
the song. With help from one of Australia’s best bass player and song
writer Jason Vorherr(jasonvorherr) the three wrote the verse chords, tided up the
transitions and added an intro and outro.
It was then decided to find some song writers and finish it properly the
only requirement they had to understand what It meant to lose your
best friend. Enter the extremely talented Zoe Pinchen(zoetynemusic) and Amber
Ferraro (amberferraro), who along with Steve wrote the verses. With Ambers vocal
talents the missing piece fell into place and Run Along was finally
The result a song for everyone who has loved and lost a furry
companion from the City to the remotest places be it a house pet,
therapy dog or a working dog this song is for you and the paw prints
they leave on your heart.
Writing Credits: Rob Tuncks, Amber Ferraro, Zoe Pinchen, Jason Vorherr, and Steve Vertigan
No Fear
This song is about just letting everything go and giving it your best shot. No remorse no fear!
Writing Credits: Rob Tuncks
Soar (love song to aviation)
Rob went solo in a sailplane on his 15th birthday aviation has always played a big part in his life. Soar a love letter to avaiation is for anyone who flies or simply dreams of flying.
Writing Credits: Rob Tuncks
Don't Run
The lyrics of this song where witten by Dimity Cardell when she was 16 years old. Has a very different feel when Rob sings it.
Writing Credits: Rob Tuncks, Dimity Cardnell
It's a simple love song.
Writing Credits: Rob Tuncks